Along the way we were passed by a group of 2 men and a soloist. Both groups had summit ambitions. I have always looked up at Pikes Peak and visualized myself hiking up her broad shoulders and summiting quite easily, even in winter conditions. I never imagined that I would not be in the physical capacity to make it to the top. It was during our march slowly upward into the blizzard, that I realized that I needed to make a more consist ant effort to get myself into shape and strength. The altitude was causing my lungs to gasp for air, and the steady uphill slog, eventually made my legs into rubber. The start of the trail is at roughly 10,000 feet and the summit is 14,100; making a 4,000 vertical climb over 5 miles long. The further up we climbed the worst the weather became. When we reached treeline, the wind was howling, mixing with the snow, causing the visibility to become very limited. At times, I would lose site of Dave, which was at most 50 feet in front of me. Somewhere between treeline and the ridge, we ran into the group of 2 men descending down. They were covered in ice and looked a bit on the cold side. It would be a rough guess, but I would say the wind chill was somewhere around Zero degrees F, or lower. Nobody would summit Pikes Peak from the Crags on that day! The conditions were just too bad.
We never saw a glimpse of the summit block. As the clouds, snow, and wind kept her out of sight all day. After a long haul to the ridge, encountering gale force winds, blinding snow, and near exhaustion, we decided the best action would be to head down and call it a day. We made it back down to the truck at 3pm, making a 7 hour trek into the winter among Pikes Peak. We will be back for another attempt and she will be waiting for us, always looking down, as a queen atop her throne. As we descended the frozen tundra, the clouds began lifting to the west. Although they never broke above the ridge, looking west we could see as far ad the San De Christo Mountains, the Collegiate Peaks, and the continental divide. Below, South Park, Lake George, and Divide were clearly visible. It would only take a turn of ones head to see the shoulders of Pikes Peak, and at that point realize that each person is only a small part of a much larger thing.
I did not take many pictures, as the cold kept my hands in my gloves. Dave took quite a few pictures, and I will add them to this post as I receive them.
1 comment:
My girlfriend and I are contemplating a PP trip, she just got off of Shasta and we attempted Rainier a year ago. Enjoyed your post :)
Take care!!
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